portfolio page
My portfolio page
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This site was developed with HTML, CSS and bootstrap.

This is the website I setup to show the work I have done, can do and will do. The site was made with only HTML, CSS and bootstrap. Originally I created this site using React framework but due to the larger size and overkill I decided to go more vanilla for the static site.

EOR search page
Medical Bill Status Application (Work in Progress)
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This application was developed with React, NodeJs, nodemail and Postgres .

The intent of this application was to give medical providers a portal to search for medical audits to determine if the insurance carrier received the bill, where it was in the process and obtain a copy of an explanation of review if the audit was complete. If the explanation of review is not in the system due to age the medical provider can email directly from the application a copy request. Typically providers call the insurance carriers requesting this information and depending on the carrier there can be long waits. On the carrier's side this frees staff from having to answer phone calls and faxing/emailing copies of explanation of reviews.

Card image cap
Hearing Scheduler (Work in Progress)
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This application was developed with JavaScript, NodeJS and ***Email client***.

This application was developed to help aid in scheduling specific attorneys to a hearing by email appointment, document exchange deadlines by email appointment and file review deadlines by email appointment. This is specific to workers' compensation hearings. The hearing date is determined by the regulatory agency and the deadlines are calculated as x number of days prior to the hearing.

Finals Project
Finals Project
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This site was developed with HTML, CSS and bootstrap.

My finals project for my bootcamp was to develop a site that consumes an external API that shows movies currently in the theater. We were given two screen shots to mimic. The API is called when the component is rendered.